Growing up in Japan, where instant cup noodle ramen was invented in 1971 (and manufactured by Nissin), I’ve had many many cup noodles in my life. Therefore, I have high expectations when it comes to cup noodles. The Flavor of the soup is OK, kind of weak miso soup flavor with mild heat. The texture and the taste of the noodles were very odd. And after 6 mins wait time, The noodles were still not done and stuck together. Also, the seasoning didn’t dissolve completely, so I had to really stir :<(. The ingredient list is pretty clean for an instant ramen, but it is quite high in sodium (860mg) if you slurped the entire soup. Also, the serving is smaller than typical cup noodles, so it is probably not enough for meal replacement for most. It is vegan. It is edible, but over all, this one falls a little short for me. 6/10