Trader Joe’s Riced Cauliflower Risotto with Butternut Squash トレーダージョーズ カリフラワーライスとバターナッツスクウォッシュのリゾット


今日のレビューは、トレーダージョーズの秋限定の冷凍食品、「Trader Joe’s Riced Cauliflower Risotto with Butternut Squash・トレーダージョーズ カリフラワーライスとバターナッツスクウォッシュのリゾット」のレビューです。


Trader Joe’s Riced Cauliflower Risotto with Butternut Squash
トレーダージョーズ カリフラワーライスとバターナッツスクウォッシュのリゾット

Trader Joe’s Riced Cauliflower Risotto with Butternut Squash



Trader Joe’s Riced Cauliflower Risotto with Butternut Squash



Trader Joe’s Riced Cauliflower Risotto with Butternut Squash

  • 塩分が高くなりがちなトレジョのフローズンフードなのに、そこまで塩辛くない★彡✨
  • 脂質はあまり多くないけど、クリーミーで、バターナッツスクウォッシュの甘さ、チーズ、パセリのフレーバーが絶妙
  • テキスチャーはやっぱり全然お米とは違ってて、カリフラワーのコリコリしたクリスピー感があります
  • カリフラワーと同じ大きさの人参が入ってるけど、人参の味はほとんどしません
  • (入ってないけど)セージとかも合いそう

Trader Joe’s Riced Cauliflower Risotto with Butternut Squash



Trader Joe’s Riced Cauliflower Risotto with Butternut Squash

Animal Rennetが使われてるからベジタリアンじゃないです。





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Trader Joe’s Riced Cauliflower Risotto with Butternut Squashの得点は100点中80点。日本人好みなフレーバーだと思います。今度はヒヨコマメの缶詰を加えて食べてみます。ということでリピあり😋。


It is perfect when you are craving risotto but trying to avoid carbs.
It took me only 10 min to prepare.
It smells buttery, creamy, cheesy and earthy👍.
The combination of flavors is so perfect, right up my alley😋.
It does have some creaminess from cheese🧀, cream and butternut squash but does not have the consistency of risotto made with rice.
You can definitely tell that it is made with cauliflower rather than actual rice. It has a certain cauliflower crispness which can’t mimic rice texture.
But I didn’t taste cauliflower unlike some other cauliflower products.
There are 210 calories and only six grams of protein in the entire bag.
Next time I will add chick peas for more protein since after all, it is all vegetables. It is just not very filling.
In addition, I am delightfully surprised that it isn’t super salty like the majority of frozen foods. Don’t get me wrong, there is still plenty of sodium in it, but it isn’t outrageously high. You can add salt but can’t take it out so I definitely appreciate that.
I’d buy it again for a quick low calories meal option. 8/10
Only available through the holiday $3.69


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